Our Story
We are a sustainable solution to pet care. Simply put, our mission is to be better for their health; better for the earth; and better for you. We believe “sustainability” is defined by a commitment to creating more efficient outcomes. Firstly, we can think of no greater efficiency than to address the “behavioral epidemic” plaguing dogs in America today. More than 50% of US dog owners give their pups up every year – usually during the adolescent phase (18 months to 2 years), which can be a challenging, transitional time for even the most (previously) well-behaved puppy. This trend overwhelmingly contributes to the euthanasia of over half a million shelter dogs, each year, in this country alone. We firmly believe that many, if not most, of those deaths could have been saved with preventative, proactive, and positive behavioral training. Secondly, we can think of no greater efficiency, from a health perspective, than to keep chemicals out of your dog’s belly and skin, whenever possible. Lastly, in our professional experience, these “creatures of survival” are not looking for “junk food,” nor are they fooled by colors, shapes, and fancy packaging. If your dogs’ current treats smell weird or gross to you, just remember that your dog’s superhuman nose could be smelling that x 10,000!

“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
Like most “great stories” in life, my personal journey into the pet industry was a circuitous and multi-faceted one. I usually begin by explaining, to customers interested enough to ask me, that I am a “second lifer.”
By that I mean, on paper, my prior work seemed to point me in a very different path. However, “the whole” of my experience over the last 7 years (since I first incorporated La Pêt-isserie LLC) has shown me that this is exactly where I was always meant to be.
I graduated from The College at Columbia University in 2005, with a major in Political Science and a minor in Human Rights. I worked in “Big Law” after that, for several years, as a paralegal for two of the world’s “top” law firms. That experience made me realize that the life of a legal practitioner was not the right fit for me personally, despite my deep respect and fascination for “the rule of law” as a broader macroeconomic institution. Subsequently, I enrolled in Fordham Law in 2009, with plans of pursuing a career in legal academia.
By the time I graduated Fordham Law (yes, cum laude!) in 2012, I had decided to switch my focus to a PhD. in macroeconomics rather than a J.S.D. in law. Amidst the fallout of the 2008 Great Recession, the Bernie Madoff debacle, and the Big Bank Bailout, I had become convinced that achieving a healthier balance between governmental regulation of commercial industry and free market activity required that lawyers become better economists.
Even so, I was still plagued by fears of the old, “What do you really know about running a business, up there in your ivory tower?”-defense that business leaders often hurl (and perhaps rightfully so) at the “talking head,” policymaking, academic types seeking to “regulate” them for the sake of broader, public interest. My gut told me that I needed to “walk the walk,” if I wanted to “talk the talk”; and that ultimately, any prescriptions I might have about how to encourage more “sustainable” industrial practices would fall flat without proving that I could do those things successfully, myself.
I am happy to report that we ARE a “SUSTAINABLE solution to pet care”; and we ARE THRIVING, thanks to our amazing customers; which means it absolutely IS POSSIBLE. (Just a shout-out to all those haters!)
By the time I graduated Fordham Law (at the age of 29), I unfortunately also was experiencing every back/joint/nerve ailment known to man: Carpal Tunnel, TMJ, Sciatica on both sides of my body, along with 4 herniations in my spine. Doctors told me they could get me back to work in no time! It just required cutting my back open and prescribing me mild opiates for the rest of my life.
I decided to take time off to regroup instead, and in the process, adopted a puppy named Nigel. We began walking together, every day, sometimes for hours, with plenty of stretching, cuddles, and naps in between. The intensity of my chronic pain began dissipating, and eventually I no longer needed pharmaceutical pain medications (even including over-the-counter anti-inflammatories, like aspirin).
I simultaneously began incorporating anti-inflammatory foods, like raw, nutrient-and-protein-rich veggies and seeds, into my diet. I chose grassfed meats and organic plants to keep unnecessary chemicals out of my belly. I ate whole instead of processed grains. I also opted for SLS-free topical products, rich in “skin food” like beeswax, tea tree, and coconut oils (over the ones made with a million ingredients I couldn’t pronounce or recognize). In about a year, I found that a lifetime of chronic inflammatory conditions, including asthma, allergies, IBS, and acid reflux, began disappearing too, one-by- one.
Just as I was relying on the central, holistic concept that “food is medicine,” for myself, I began to learn that the “complete and balanced” kibble I was feeding Nigel at the time was anything but! The more I researched, the more I realized that the commercial pet food industry simply could not be trusted with his wellness. (For more on that side topic, please check out our Blogs!)
I also began understanding why Nigel was often under-enthusiastic about his food and treats, often just spitting them out of his mouth.
Turns out, none of those things were “food” after all! (His superhuman nose and survival instincts were just too strong to overlook that basic fact, no matter how compelling the packaging and marketing might have been for me.) Once I began “home-cooking,” with human-grade ingredients; lovingly by hand, in small batches; without any chemical, synthetic additives, it was like a light switch went off in the motivation department. (Plus, his once fickle digestion became rock solid - total bonus!)
My years of professional dog training experience, since then, has confirmed that Nigel is not the only dog who prefers higher quality, fresher, more natural food. Remember that Pavlov used food for a reason. Also remember that dogs are “cost-benefit analysis”-based animals, just like we are. Thus, the quality of what you provide – food, shelter, companionship – DOES necessarily impact the quality of the love, obedience, and loyalty they will give you in return.
Jennifer S. Kang
Owner, La Pet-isserie LLC


Bertie (short for Alberta) was saved from a kill shelter in Dallas, Texas, along with the rest of her littermates. I met her at “Petapalooza,” in New York City, on my birthday, as a chance encounter. I promptly adopted her on-the spot, within the first 5-minutes of meeting, and have never looked back. She truly is my “little Miss Perfect” – I couldn’t have asked for a better dog.
When meeting Bertie in person, most of my customers are shocked to learn that she originally came to me as a very sickly pup. Puking bile regularly; “peeing out of her butt”; and absolutely covered in hives so severe that she had red, open sores all over her body. Her newfound ironclad stomach; thick, luxurious, shiny coat; and completely clear skin are the product of chemical-free, holistic nutrition and skincare rather than any pharmaceutical intervention.
My experience watching Bertie blossom into the beautiful, healthy, happy dog she is today firmly underscores my undying belief that “food is medicine” for our dogs, just as much as it is for us!
Want to see for yourself? Visit one of our local “doggy food truck” events and come meet Bertie for yourself. She is our #1 salesman and spokesmodel!


Nigel was found in North Carolina, along with his littermates, trapped inside a cardboard box that had been duct-taped shut, and left in the snow to die. Needless to say, he was a terrified, sickly puppy when we first met. He was severely underweight, having suffered from perpetual parasites for a couple months in the “shelter system.” His coat was gray, ratty, and falling out, presumably from malnutrition or stress or both. Understandably, he was also terrified of pretty much everything and everyone (other than me), after having suffered such intense, early trauma.
My experience bringing Nigel “back to life” physically and emotionally (plus all the lessons Nigel taught me along the way) has inspired every aspect of this brand.
To My Nigel: The OG; the love of my life; and the greatest teacher I will ever know. Miss you, always, until we meet again. R.I.P.